Repeat Prescriptions

Welcome to our new patients of whom there are increasing numbers. All surgeries have their own systems and it won’t take long for you to get used to ours. Please discuss how we dispense and let us know in plenty of time if you need anything. Bringing your medication boxes or a list from your old GP is very helpful. We are not (legally or actually) the same as a chemist shop and there are a few differences in what we can and can’t do.

We have noticed that a lot of our new patients are requesting repeat medications to be issued within a few days.  If you have a repeat medication that you order each month would it be possible for you to leave a repeat request with us upon collection of your items.  This helps you by not having to make two journeys to the surgery and we can have it ready on the shelf for you to collect.

Alternatively you can order your repeat prescriptions online using your patient access. Please ask any of our dispensary team for more information.