Audiology Self Referrals

If you have noticed that your hearing isn’t as good as it should be then you could make a ‘self referral’ to an audiology specialist. Instead of visiting your GP, you can contact one of the hearing providers by clicking on this link to get useful advice for your hearing and what to do next.

If you are over 50 years old, they may be able to offer you an appointment and ongoing care. This includes a full clinical assessment, an NHS funded hearing aid fitting when appropriate, and after care as well.

Please ask one of our reception team, or use our online consultation tool, and a member of our team will send you the self referral link to your mobile or your E-mail address. Alternatively please go directly to the following website for more information.

Are you struggling with your hearing?

It’s not always easy to tell if you’re losing your hearing, but there are commons signs.

You may have difficulty hearing people clearly when they speak, especially in noisy places…. or ask people to repeat themselves a lot. You could be having difficulty hearing on the phone, making it hard to keep up with a conversations. Perhaps a friend or a loved one has commented that you’ve started listening to music or watching TV with the volume higher than others need it… or it may be that you’ve started feeling tired or stressed from having to concentrate while listening. If you are experiencing these issues, then it might be time to seek some assistance.

Please note, if you require an ear microsuction appointment with one of our nurses at Cradley (not an audiology microsuction appointment for potential hearing aids) this is still the usual practice of having a 5 minute ear check with one of our practices nurses who will then make you an appointment.